Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Oh my word, I have the best coworkers. Ever. We always celebrate birthdays with a cake. Basically we'll use any reason to have a treat. This time around, there was a joke circulating that we were going to get Warehouse Boy to pop out of our accountant's cake. Someone came up with the idea that since popping out of a cake was not really feasible, we should put his picture on it instead. They decided that his head should go on Borat's body, so they asked me to work a little Photoshop magic and make it look real. So I did, and this is what it turned out as:
Note, the background is supposed to be blue water, but for some reason it didn't turn out like that when they sprayed the picture on the cake.
These are the reactions of my coworker when she saw her cake. The pictures are unedited and a little blurry because I realized I had accidentally put it on the wrong setting when I was taking them.
In the next two, you can see Warehouse Boy leaning against the side of the door grinning. He loved it.Don't you wish you worked somewhere where a picture like that was not only ok, but encouraged?! I love my job.
You work at Dunder Mifflin?
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