Sunday, May 31, 2009
One of my old coworkers asked me take some pictures at her daughter's birthday party a few weeks ago. These 8-9year olds were getting the spa treatment and needed to document how beautiful they were. Aren't they gorgeous!!!
My fusion of a lovely life lived deliberately, design eye candy loves, and sublime recipes.
One of my old coworkers asked me take some pictures at her daughter's birthday party a few weeks ago. These 8-9year olds were getting the spa treatment and needed to document how beautiful they were. Aren't they gorgeous!!!
Your Daily Present From Angie at 6:18 PM
Ang, for the photo of the choc chip cookies...did you use AV mode? If so, what f-stop did you use? And did you take this pic by your window? I used our new flash for the party I shot and LOVED it! I learned ALOT and now have a bunch of questions!
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